Starting from:


Raven ( VRCFT , PC , QUEST )

1 reviews

Price: $55 CAD (~$42.22 USD)

If this price is a barrier, feel free to reach out via DM to discuss potential alternatives.

Contact: @nayao. com on Discord

Disclaimer: You must be 18+ to purchase this product.

Render - Innocent Destiny


this is a collab with Shace

       !! Buy starfire here !!


- PC + Quest
- Face Tracking
- Seamless Neck Merge
- Index Gestures
- 4 Hair options
- Outfit Swaps
- Shoe Swaps
- mat swaps
- Jiggles where needed


Neck merge ;

Neck merge done by Crozzie


Keep in mind not everything on the PC version of Raven will NOT be available on quest !
Quest version ;
Kept: Belt, Cape, Face Gem, Lace Choker, Pasties, Nails, Skirt, Panties, Shorts, Ears, Tail, Horns, BBHair, Bob, Split Bangs, Converses, Heels, Baggy Shrt, Bra, Bodysuit, Stripped Top, Tank Top,

Physbones: Ears, Tail, Horns, Nayao Chain, 2 upload variants (grey + regular skin tone)


Head - EDITED BY ZILAAAA & ME ( NO REUSE ) + Texture by Zila
Body - EDITED ( NO REUSE ) + tattoos by michirific

Bob - Saikura
Split Bangs - Saikura
Large Braid - Saikura
Messy Braids - Nessy

BodySuit - Amber
Baggy Shirt - Nessy
Stripped top - Aika
Tank top - Wen
One Sleeve - 
Hoodie - Strelizias
Bra - Nessy
Pants - ThiccWitch
Shorts - Strelizias
Skirt - Nessy
Latex Outfit - miraam
Heels - Cringy
Converse - Plaz

Fishnet sleeves - Silly Tilly
Fishnet Stockings - Holoexe
Arm Chains - mikan
Leg Chains - Ryuji
Cape - levitella   ( COMMISSONED NO REUSE )
Belt - levitella   ( COMMISSONED NO REUSE )
Rings , small horns - Aika
Face Gem - Me
Harness - Deimos + Aika
Necklace - Vinuzhka
Bandaids - Fooly

Eye Particles - Lindy
other particles - EricWang

Animal Parts
Kitty Set - Winks
Horns - Vinuzhka
Wings - Paragon

Face tracking addon - mifuuyu on dc

Render - zenifyy on dc
Models - .st4rclipse , michirific , michi.1k , mee.oh
videographer - Foureal
toggle video - mabya on dc
Dancers - Myself, Sxlviia, BiteTheBullet mentallyill4sanrio

instructions ;
- unity 2022
- vrc fury
- poi 9
- jerry ft addon ( if you have face tracking )

Avatar Usage Rules:

No Sharing: Do not share, distribute, or resell these packages under any circumstances. This includes friends, family, or partners.

Personal Use Only: Purchased packages are licensed exclusively for your use. You do not own rights to the model unless you provide accurate purchase information.

Asset Protection: Do not extract or use any assets from my models, even if they are available for purchase separately.

No Unauthorized Edits: My custom edits are for personal use only and may not be reused, modified, or redistributed.

Upload Restrictions: Do not have anyone else upload these models for you without my explicit permission.

Honesty Policy: Any false information provided during purchase will result in a void license, and you will forfeit your rights to use the model.

I do uploads for my avatars, so just make a ticket in my server
My discord: nayao. com


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No Refund Policy

Since my products are digital and instantly accessible upon purchase, all sales are final and non-refundable.

By purchasing from us, you acknowledge and agree that:

  • Due to the nature of digital products, we do not offer refunds, exchanges, or cancellations.
  • If you experience any issues accessing or using your purchase, please contact us, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out before making a purchase.